Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Wow...Memorial Day came and went in a hurry! getting off early for me. Jody and I decided instead of going out to dinner, we would divide and conquer everything we needed to do to get ready for the weekend...he took RP and went one way and I went to Target and to pick up dinner and our spare pack 'n' play....

Saturday, I ran around like crazy trying to get everything together so that I could leave to go to my dad's straight from the gym. While I went to HHC and did BodyVive, Jody and RP headed on to my dad's house. The rest can probably mostly be best expressed in pictures:

Pop's caught an unsuspecting baby goat for Riley to (torture) play with...I bet that goat doesn't make the same mistake twice :)

Then we took the mule out and fed the goats. They really look like they're starving, don't they?

Soon after feeding the goats, I loaded my 23 month old that hadn't had a nap all day in the car and drove an hour to the ranch at Shep...we spent the night there and the next morning, we set out early to do some exploring.

We found a great spot on the creek that was very clear and not was perfect for doing some walking/playing in the water:

Then we went to the tank and RP chased the cows around...the calves were actually pretty interested in her.

I turned around to take a picture of the rest of the cows and when I turned around, I found this:

All of these activities resulted in this:

It was a good weekend...the pictures that you don't see are of me, mom, and Ashley sitting in beach chairs, with our legs in the kiddie pool, drinking beer...and floating in the tank with our rafts...Riley did try her floaties - she was not thrilled about them.

The other exciting thing for Riley this weekend was the baby birds on the porch...she was enthralled with "mama birds" and "baby birds." We even climbed a ladder and peeked in at them.

We stayed Sunday night, too...but came home pretty early on Monday. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the pack n play, so we just headed home. I had to do a 24 hour pee test for my urologist (man, that was fun), so hopefully we'll find out what's causing my stupid kidney stones and figure out if there is something that can be done to discourage them from returning.

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