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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Well Hello Again....

It's been a while hasn't it? At all phases of my life, there have been games where you have to take care of something...when I was in 4th grade and had the super cool Commodor 64 computer it had a game where there was a little guy in a house and you had to take care of him or he got sick and died. Well, I don't really know if he died, but he'd let you know how badly you disappointed him by tapping on the glass at you. I used to like to make him do that. Sick, no? Then there were the little tami-whaties...again, not so great for me. And then in grad school, I let one of the other GAs talk me into getting a Neopet. Again, you have to log in, buy it food, pet it, etc. or it gets sick and dies. Or something.
Those games, I'm not so good at. This blog is alot like those games.
However, I do enjoy blogging. And I had some laughs reading some of those old posts...purple eye funk, boy those were the days. Anyway, I think I'll give it a try again. Plus I can totally post by email so I look like I'm really working at work when in fact I'll be blogging.
Oh and my renewed interest in blogging can be credited to Courtney...I hope mine is half as entertaining as yours. Plus Diva can't do it anymore, so the torch has been passed...we'll just see how long it takes me to forget to feed it and it gets sick and dies....

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