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Friday, August 08, 2008

Night Out

I had my first night out Wednesday...this is actually kind of an overstatement. I had a late afternoon/early evening out. My sister and I had planned since before Riley was born to go see Pineapple Express. So my mom came over right after work and watched Riley...I told Jody to take advantage of the babysitter and go do something fun, like play pool or go fishing. I think he ended up having to work late. Poor Jody.
Anyway, that was the funniest movie I've seen in a long time. Well, maybe since Knocked Up and Superbad came out, both of which also star Seth Rogen. And James Franco should do comedy more often...who knew he's seriously funny.
After the movie, ash and I went Brick Oven for pizza and a beer, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. And I was home by 8 pm. Riley had slept until about 20 minutes before I got home, poor tired baby. She's such a day time insomniac that when she finally goes to sleep, she just racks out.

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